Here’s some ways you can donate your refund to the Foundation

Make sure to recycle your containers when visiting Toowoomba and Baillie Henderson Hospitals
We do our best to help patients, visitors, and staff recycle their containers. There are a number of bins in Toowoomba Hospital and Baillie Henderson Hospital where you can return your empty containers with 10c from each container going towards funding equipment and resources for Darling Downs Health.

Donate with your Containers for Change membership
Set your payment method in your Containers for Change member account to ‘a good cause’ and select Toowoomba Hospital Foundation. Next time you return your containers your refund will be donated to us.

Donate using our Containers for Change membership
Save our member number to your digital wallet and scan our barcode when you return your containers. Make sure you select ‘Toowoomba Hospital Foundation member number: C10074611’ to donate your refund.

Have your containers picked up by E & E Waste
If you live in Toowoomba or Goondiwindi our friends at E & E Waste offer a free container pick-up service. When booking your pick-up select to donate your refund to charity and add our member number ‘Toowoomba Hospital Foundation member number: C10074611’ to your request.
Your donation goes directly towards supporting sick and injured patients receiving care and treatment with Darling Downs Health. Join us in making a lasting difference in the lives of our patients.